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Tour Experience  - 2022-04-15
Horse riding tour experience in Caucasus

Our journey continues from Tbilisi to Tusheti. At 9 a.m., the driver came, we packed our bags in the car and left for Kakheti. Two hours later the road connects Tusheti, which follows the narrow gorge of Stori and slowly goes up the pass (2960 m). We continued the road from the pass to the villages of Tusheti. Another 2 hours and we arrived in Omalo, where we visited the Keselo towers and the ethnographic museum and then we moved to the village Shenako, which is distinguished by its balcony houses and sacred places.

We met the horses in Shenako, they will be our companions for the next 3 days, and then they will return to Shenako again.
We stayed at a guesthouse in Shenako. At 7 p.m., we tasted delicious Tushetian dishes and joined the youth of the village, who lit a bonfire every evening and unite with local music and songs.

The next day at 8 o'clock we had breakfast, packed the horses, and got ready to leave. After saying goodbye to the host family we rode to Sanare pass (2500 m). The trail follows the slope of a mountain covered with beautiful pine trees and goes up to the pass, from where marvelous views overlook the 3 valleys of Tusheti.
We descended the pass and went to Chigho, from where we rode to the village Dartlo, which is on the tentative list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Dartlo is also distinguished by the petroglyphs engraved on the walls of the houses and the ancient court, which dates back to the XII century.
From Dartlo we went to the village Tchesho, where we stopped at a guesthouse.
On the third day, we had breakfast again at 8 o'clock and got ready to leave. The weather was wonderful, making the trip even more enjoyable. At 10 o'clock we arrived in the village Pharma. The guide told us its history and interesting legends related to it and we continued our way to the village of Girevi, where we got a pass with the border police and followed the narrow path of the mountain slope. The trail goes deep into the valley and periodically crosses the river, although it is very easy to cross the river on horseback.
It was 5 p.m. when we arrived at the campsite, which is located at 2800 meters above sea level.

From the pass, we quickly started to descend. Meanwhile, the sun came out and beautiful mountains appeared in the fog. We reached the village of Mutso along the mountain paths, which are built in a beautiful place and create a spectacular view. We left Mutso for the village of Shatili and stopped at a pre-booked guesthouse at 5 pm.
On the fifth day, we said goodbye to the horses that had to cross this road back and went to Shenako, and we returned to Tbilisi by car from Shatili.

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